I’m Nathalie, a professionally trained conference interpreter and translator. Originally from London, since 2018 I have been living in Stockholm, Sweden, where I continue to offer an array of linguistic services to clients in diverse market sectors. An out-and-out linguaphile, my passion for languages was sparked early in life, and I relish being able to help others achieve their own objectives thanks to seamless communication - be it written or spoken.

I consider myself to be a global citizen (I do pretty much feel at home when not at home!) and to date, have been lucky enough to live in five different countries, from the UK to Tanzania, Ghana, Sweden, and Russia. Forging a career in languages and interpreting has, thankfully, opened the door to yet more possibilities for travel and discovering new cultures.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Russian and Spanish (University of Manchester, 2010), as well as a Masters in Conference Interpreting (London Metropolitan University, 2018), and am a certified member of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Linguists. Along with almost a decade’s worth of experience as a professional freelance linguist, my experience extends to marketing, with much of my early career spent working as a marketing and ecommerce executive for several start-ups and established brands headquartered in London.

Whether you’d like to learn more about the services I offer, or wish to get in touch regarding a potential project or specific request, I’d be delighted to hear from you.