

I have interpreted across a range of subject areas, from marketing to global affairs, including work with NGOs and research institutions, such as the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). In addition to work on the private market, I also carry out probono work for a variety of nonprofit and third-sector organisations.

Going the Distance

To date, interpreting has taken me to various countries across Europe, from the UK and Sweden, to Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, and Poland.


I hold a Masters in Conference Interpreting (MACI) from London Metropolitan University which saw me undertake rigorous practical and theoretical training, along with work experience at international institutions such as the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG) and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in London.

Training & Professional Development

An interpreter as they say, is only ever as good as their last performance! It is for this reason that I strive to actively keep abreast of developments within interpreting and carry out regular CPD (continuous professional development).

Ethics & Professional Codes of Conduct

Naturally, I hold myself to the highest professional standards, and in line with this, adhere to the code of professional conduct prescribed by the UK’s Chartered Institute of Linguists, of which I am a qualified member. In addition, while I am not at present a member of AIIC, I endorse the organisation’s code of professional ethics and code of professional standards, respectively.

Types of Interpretation I Provide

  • Consecutive interpreting

  • Simultaneous / conference

  •   RSI & video interpreting

  •   Liaison interpreting

Click here to view rates for each service.

For any enquiries relating to interpreting services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.